I’ve just finished updating the 2017 calendar of cons at Quantum Muse. You can see then here: http://www.quantummuse.com/conworld.php. If you don’t see a con that you know of, please send an email with information to qmsupport@gmail.com.
In the process of doing this project I was amazed at the amount of cons we have lost in the last year or two. Some I know were due to location troubles, but I suspect that many were because the people managing them simply got burned out.
It is a great thing to go to a con. It is an opportunity to meet other fans and build/join a local community. If inclined you can even dress up for cosplay. Across the world, there is a con virtually every weekend, some with fun names like: GalaxyFest, AnachroCon, Connooga, ConGlomeration, OutLantaCon, and Combatacon.
Go out, have fun.
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