Urban Fantasy

The Clarity of Cold Steel

The Clarity of Cold Steel

$12.00eBook: $2.00
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Mortise Locke, the Machine City, last bastion of mankind in all its fallen glory, where the sum total of life is cheaper than in part.

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Transdimensional Blues

Transdimensional Blues

eBook: $2.99

Jake Stonewall's life is in constant danger as he is pulled through parallel worlds, with little warning, and with almost no control. He is aided by the teachings of an enigmatic martial arts master.

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Four Aces – A Quantum Anthology

Four Aces – A Quantum Anthology


Four Aces is the collection of short works from the authors of Quantum Muse Books. Lots of variety: Scifi, Fantasy, Horror, and some Humor thrown in for good measure.

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Out of Nowhere

Out of Nowhere

$ 2.99

An urban fantasy, pacy, funny and compelling to the last page…

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