Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines:

We are looking for novel length fiction in the Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and other related sub genres, minimum of 60.000 words and a maximum of 90,000.  We are not looking for epic works in order to hit our pricing targets.

We are not looking for short fiction or compilations.

To submit to Quantum Muse Books (QMB) included the following in an email to

Name and contact information

  1. A synopsis of your novel not to exceed 10 pages.  Included details about the main characters and the ending.  We cannot make a determination about a story without knowing the ending
  2. The first 10 pages of the novel.
  3. All of this information is to be included in body of the email.  Please do not include any attachments, they will not be opened.

We will respond within one month of receiving your email.

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